In todays class we had Rich McCue come and introduce us to coding! He explained to us several ways coding can be integrated into various subjects that extend beyond technology and math, such as music and art. It is important that teachers understand why coding is an integral classroom tool, as it is an extremely valuable and likely to be an interest of many students. The sooner students feel comfortable and confident with various strategies of technology, i.e. coding, they will be more inclined to use these strategies outside of a classroom setting.

Helpful resources:

Scratch: A beginner resource for students to get familiarized and comfortable with coding. Good resource for visual projects, however not so much for databases and mobile phone apps. Scratch can be used for all subjects, as it allows the user immediate feedback in the form of visuals.

Grasshopper: A beginner resource that incorporates textual elements of coding using Javascript. Javascript is a web browser ‘language’ that gives student’s an insight into how real programmers code.

Hour of Code: Numerous projects for students that can be filtered according to grade and skill level. Hour of Code runs off of programs like scratch and Google Code. Quality of projects is inconsistent, making it  essential to look over a project before asking your students to do it.

Designing with algorithms using TinkerCad: A user friendly platform with copious resources for both students and teachers. TinkerCad uses visual codes to create a shape, replicate said shape, and then rotate it.

Code BC: A resource for any teacher interested in implementing coding practices into their classroom. Teachers who are not an expert in coding may use this site for guidance.

Photo by Chris Ried on Unsplash.