Tools in the classroom are forever changing, yet the use of technology continues to be a reliable source that teachers fall back on. However, as society becomes entirely technology dependent we need to assess the situation and ask ourselves if the use of these technological tools are actually helping or hindering students in the classroom. With proper use and instruction, teachers can implement smart choices involving technology within a school community. This leads to my ed tech inquiry question, which is asking How Can Mental Health be Improved in Classrooms with the Aid of Technology. A tool that I look forward to using to explore my inquiry question is my Trello board. I found Trello very easy to use, especially for people who don’t necessarily thrive using online resources unknown to them, aka me. I am big on organizing and making lists, so the purpose of Trello suits my style of learning. I hope to use Trello as a resource throughout my university experience due to the fact it is much more manageable than CourseSpaces. CourseSpaces, while handy for uploading assignments, is quite tricky to use and is not as reliable. During my first year at UVIC CourseSpaces shut down several times because too many people were on the website. I get that a glitch is bound to happen at a university with a substantial student and professor population, however the problems with CourseSpaces are ongoing. Nevertheless, I am excited to operate new technological platforms this year and expand my online experiences using Trello.
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